To succeed at university, it’s important to take advantage of all the resources you have available to you. These will support you with every aspect of your student life — from your academics and helping figure out your career plans to enhancing your life as a student.
1. Library
Even in the digital era, the campus library remains an important fixture. In addition to being a place where you can find books and other materials, you should pay the library a visit if you want help from librarians to locate information. In addition, the library is the perfect place to work on your homework during breaks between classes or even to find a comfortable spot to read for pleasure.
2. Career Centre
The career services on campus provide you with valuable support throughout your time at university — not just when you’re about to graduate. If you want to find a part-time job to earn money while you study, head to the career centre to learn about open positions that are ideal for students. You should also pay the centre a visit when you start thinking about internships, if you want help with your interview technique or crafting a resume, and if you have doubts about your future career.
3. Tutoring
There may be times when you feel out of your depth at university. Instead of struggling on your own, seek support from tutoring services. Your university may offer tutoring to help you improve your skills in a particular area, or you may be able to find a tutor for a specific class that you’re struggling with.
4. Writing Centre
Another place to gain help with particular skills is the campus writing centre. No matter your major, you’ll need to do a large amount of writing at university. If this is something you find difficult, head to the writing centre. The staff will provide you with support for everything from creating an outline for your paper and proofreading assignments to learning about how to adapt your style according to whether you’re writing an essay, a research project, or a critique.
5. Academic Advisors
Your academic advisor will work with you to ensure you’re on track for meeting your graduation requirements, to create a reasonable schedule each semester, and to help you achieve your goals. If you have any concerns related to academics, try to see your advisor as soon as possible.
6. Financial Aid Office
Finding a way to pay for university is stressful for many students. The financial aid office on campus will let you know what options are available to you, including loans, grants, and scholarships.
7. Health Services
Many campuses offer a range of health services to students. This often includes healthcare for physical health as well as mental health counselling for free or at a discounted rate.
8. IT Support
Since so much of your schoolwork involves using technology, the likelihood is you’ll run into problems at some point. The IT department on campus can diagnose problems with your computer, show you how to use software you need for a class, and provide you with all other types of technological support.
You’ll also find resources off campus. A major one is student communities with rooms for rent. Oshawa students can find a place to call home at Foundry 1805. Our fully-furnished apartments are just steps from campus and offer you much more than somewhere to live — our community amenities include wellness centres, study lounges, and common areas. Apply now to take advantage of our limited-time offer on select floor plans.