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Planning Next Semester and Rooms for Rent: Oshawa Students’ Guide

Why You Should Plan Next Semester Now

Next semester may feel far away, but it’s never too early to start planning. In fact, there are several reasons why it’s a good idea to start now.

1. Create a Schedule

Now is the perfect time to create a schedule for the upcoming semester. Make sure you include your classes, study sessions, and other commitments as well as downtime. If you choose to take a reasonable number of classes next semester, you should have enough time for everything.

Creating a schedule will allow you to prioritize and avoid leaving important tasks to the last minute. This should mean you never need to turn down social invitations or miss meetings for your extracurriculars because you need to study for an exam or finish a paper.

When you stick to a schedule, you’ll also study more effectively because you’ll be able to spread several short sessions over a longer period rather than having one long cram session. As a result, you’ll retain the information better, avoid feeling exhausted, and even free up more time for the activities you enjoy.

2. Keep Your Stress Levels Under Control

Certain times of the year are particularly stressful for university students, particularly before and during midterms and finals. Whereas it’s impossible to avoid stress completely, feeling prepared will help you keep your stress under control. Planning your semester in advance is a key way to feel prepared, as it will mean you make sure you study enough for your exams while still allocating time for your hobbies, socializing, and rest.

3. Have a Buffer

There’s always the chance something unexpected may set you back. For instance, you may fall sick or need to return home for a few days. If you’re on track (rather than a bit behind where you’d like to be), it will be easier to catch up again.

4. Gain Higher Grades

All the above should ultimately lead to a higher GPA. Although there’s much more to university than just grades, there’s no arguing that they are important. Planning early will mean you’re never completing assignments in a rush or picking what homework assignments to prioritize because you lack the time to do everything well.

5. Set Goals

Planning ahead is about more than setting a schedule to follow. Another great thing to do now is set goals for next semester. Having goals to work toward will keep you motivated when times are tough and provide you with a sense of purpose.

One more important thing to plan for next semester is where you’re going to live. Use the time you have available now to look for rooms for rent. Oshawa has a student housing community at Foundry 1805. As well as being just steps from Ontario Tech University and Durham College’s North Oshawa campus, you’ll have everything you need on site. Our newly-renovated platinum suites are fully furnished and feature plenty of storage space. We also have great community amenities, including study rooms, a fitness centre, and a large parking lot. Apply now to move in before next semester.


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