It’s no secret that attending university is stressful. Much of this stress is due to academic pressures. Whereas some amount of stress is useful for keeping you motivated, too much will interfere with your mental health and make it hard for you to focus. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, here are a few things you can do.
1. Strive to Live in the Present
The only thing you’re able to control is the present. The future is unknown; the past is already set. Although we all know this, it’s easy to dwell on the past and worry about the future. However, it’s much more productive to focus on what you’re able to do now.
2. Learn from Your Mistakes
There will be times at university when you make mistakes. You may receive a bad grade on a test, pick a class that’s too difficult, or forget to hand in a paper on time. Instead of stressing over this mistake, commit to doing better in the future — and find out what steps you can take now to mitigate the damage. In addition, forgive yourself for the mistake instead of chastising yourself. It’s just as important to be compassionate to yourself as it is to be compassionate to others.
3. Make Decisions for Yourself
Acknowledge the fact that the only person whom you can make decisions for is yourself. You may want to ensure others are successful, but there is only so much you can do. This means making smart decisions even when your friends want to do something else, such as staying in to finish a paper, going home early to sleep enough before a morning class, or choosing where you’d like to study rather than following a group.
4. Practise Self-Care
You’ll only be able to cope with the pressures of academics if you’re taking care of yourself mentally and physically. Eat healthy meals, spend some time outdoors every day, and do activities you enjoy.
5. Take Advantage of the Resources Available to You
It’s easy to feel alone when you start university, as you have much less support than you may be used to. However, there are a variety of resources on campus to help you succeed. For instance, there may be workshops to develop your skills in particular areas, office hours with your professors, a writing centre, and your academic advisor. You should also take advantage of other students by forming study groups for your classes.
6. Maintain a Positive Outlook
Above all, it’s important to stay positive. Believe in yourself — have confidence that you will pass your classes, land an internship, and meet your goals. Whenever you start having negative thoughts or self-doubt, turn them into positive affirmations.
Having a comfortable home where you can study in peace and relax on your own or with friends makes a big difference to managing your stress. This means moving off campus and looking for rooms for rent. Oshawa students can find a new home at Foundry 1805. As well as private bedrooms, we have semi-private rooms that you can share with your bestie. Contact us now to take advantage of our limited-time offers.